The conference will take place in the halls of ZRC SAZU and SAZU in the center of Ljubljana. Oral presentations will be held in the main hall of SAZU, Novi trg 3. All talks will be plenary; no parallel sessions will be organized. Posters will be displayed in the Atrium of ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 2. All posters will be left on display for the four days of the conference.
Presentations and abstracts
Each attendee can be the presenter on up to two posters and one talk (either as first author or as a presenting coauthor). Abstracts will be limited to two pages including references, tables and figures; a template with detailed instructions will be posted on the InterRad 16 website. Acceptance of communications as talk or poster, as well as the duration of talks will depend on the number of contributions and will be determined when the abstract submission is completed.
English will be the official language of the conference.
Program Overview

The Book of Abstracts
The following journals have offered to publish a special issue with contributions presented at InterRad 16:
- Revue de Micropaléontologie,, Guest Editors: Špela Goričan, Luis O’Dogherty and Taniel Danelian
- Ofioliti,, Guest Editors: Marco Chiari, Atsushi Matsuoka and Angela Bertinelli
- Folia biologica et geologica,, Guest Editors: Aleksander Horvat, Tim Cifer and Špela Goričan
The deadline for the submission of manuscripts will be after September 2022 and will be decided at the business meeting of InterRad 16 in Ljubljana.